PowerTeacher Gradebook: Entering elementary school Learner Quality marks
November 9, 2013
Tags: Gradebook, Grades, Learner Qualities, PowerSchool, PowerTeacher, Report Cards
In the elementary schools, rather than receive an overall grade for each Learner Quality, students in grades 1-5 receive a mark for the specific Learner Quality descriptors.
Learner Quality Marks scale
Students who are performing according to expectations receive no mark, so most students should have a mostly blank sheet for the Learner Quality page on the report card as most students are likely performing as teams would expect. For students who are far exceeding standards on a regular basis in a particular descriptor, they will receive a “+”. Students who are not meeting expectations on a regular basis in a particular descriptor will receive an “X”.
To enter Learner Quality marks, elementary school homeroom teachers, will log in to PowerTeacher with their personal account that is typically used for attendance (i.e., firstname.lastname). Within this account, launch the Gradebook (which is only used at the end of the trimester for report card tasks), and open the “Homeroom AM” class as pictured below.
Next, be sure that the current trimester is set as pictured below, and then, click on the “Final Grades” button. Once you have clicked on the “Final Grades” button, you will see all of the Learner Qualities appear as the column headers.
With the Learner Qualities displaying as the column headers, and remembering that the only students who need marks are those that will have a “+” or an “X” in a particular Learner Quality descriptor, go ahead and enter those marks in the particular row (student) and column (Learner Quality) as necessary.
Topic: Assessment, PowerSchool

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