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Read & Write for Google
December 10, 2013
Tags: Chrome, Chromebook, Google Apps, Google Docs, Read and Write
As Chromebooks are being rolled out to 7th grade students across School District 21, students and teachers throughout School District 21 are also receiving a staged roll-out of Read & Write for Google. Read & Write for Google is a product that supports students with reading text in the browser as well as with […]
Using Google Keep as your Assignment Book
January 12, 2014
Tags: Chromebook, Google Apps, Google Keep, Student Devices, Students
Within hours of eighth graders first receiving their Chromebooks in October 2013, students were discovering that their Chromebooks could serve as a more modern, more effective version of the traditional assignment notebook. We’ve identified multiple strategies for effectively using your Chromebook to keep track of your assignments and manage your time and work. In this […]
Using Google Calendar as your Assignment Book
January 12, 2014
Tags: Calendar, Chromebook, Google Apps, Student Devices, Students
Within hours of eighth graders first receiving their Chromebooks in October 2013, students were discovering that their Chromebooks could serve as a more modern, more effective version of the traditional assignment notebook. We’ve identified multiple strategies for effectively using your Chromebook to keep track of your assignments and manage your time and work. In this […]
Streaming video changes
August 9, 2014
Tags: Images, Instruction, Media, Movies, Music, Policy, Streaming, Video
School District 21 is constantly evaluating changes in technology and how those can be leveraged to help students and teachers do more and increase student learning. Decisions about improvements and changes include listening to a wide variety of stakeholders and looking at best practices in other leading school districts as well as the results of […]
Securly–CCSD21’s New Web Filter
August 9, 2014
Tags: Chrome, Chromebook, Digital Citizenship, Filter, Internet
For over a decade, federal law has required that schools that receive E-Rate funding, which helps offset the cost of telecommunications services, including the Internet, maintain a web filter. School District 21 has always complied with this legal requirement. As technology has advanced, School District 21 has continued to make changes to the filter in […]
Google Classroom in Authentic Learning
August 17, 2014
Tags: Authentic Learning, Google, Google Apps, Google Classroom
An Authentic Learning unit delivers the curriculum to students in a meaningful and engaging manner by challenging them to solve a real problem with a real product that serves a real audience. Authentic Learning units prepare students for the world of today and tomorrow by requiring collaboration, creativity, and communication. Additionally, successfully solving such problems […]
New Tools for Staff
August 23, 2014
Tags: Lenovo, Staff Laptop, ThinkPad Yoga
Notice the touch screen? Great possibilities for learning & assessment! Long, early process Beginning last fall, School District 21 worked with vendors to identify a wide range of potential devices to replace the current staff laptops, which have successfully completed their planned four-year lifespan and are ready to be replaced. With over 20 models […]
End of Tri 3 Report Cards Timeline
May 7, 2015
Tags: Gradebook, Grades, Power Standards, PowerSchool, PowerTeacher, Report Cards
At the Board of Education Meeting on April 16, 2015, the final day of school for the 2014-2015 school year was officially announced. As a result of the cold days this winter, the last day of classes will be June 9, 2015. As we’ve been doing for a couple of years, there will be no […]
Each District 21 school is named after an American author, and learning and literacy is at the center of our Professional Learning Community. The Modern Pen provides a collaborative location in which District 21 teachers can come together to learn the skills that will enable their students to learn new skills and to understand concepts at an even different level than before.