Posts with Tag: Global Learning Archives - Modern Pen
Twitter to the next level
February 6, 2013
Tags: Authentic Learning, Global Learning, Instruction, Twitter
So, you are on Twitter. You’ve been following some famous people and maybe some other educators with whom you work. You’ve gingerly offered a couple of tweets up to the world. What do you do next to more deeply engage with this tool/product that others value so greatly–particularly for their own professional and personal growth […]
Twitter in School
February 8, 2012
Tags: Authentic Learning, Global Learning, Instruction, Twitter
Twitter ( is simply a communication tool for giving and receiving information. As one of the two major forces in popular social media on the Internet, Twitter has provided a forum for bringing the world together to discuss global events in real time on topics ranging from World Cup soccer matches to Steve Jobs’ resignation […]
Each District 21 school is named after an American author, and learning and literacy is at the center of our Professional Learning Community. The Modern Pen provides a collaborative location in which District 21 teachers can come together to learn the skills that will enable their students to learn new skills and to understand concepts at an even different level than before.