Posts with Tag: Progress Reports Archives - Modern Pen
Mid-Trimester Reports, Grades 1-5
October 1, 2014
Tags: Google Docs, Google Drive, Gradebook, Grades, Progress Reports, Report Cards
All Mid-Trimester Reports have been converted into Google Docs and are available to School District 21 staff members through this link: Mid-Trimester Reports 1st – 5th Grade Creating reports for your students 1. Create a folder within your Google Drive named Mid-Tri Progress Report Templates. 2. Go to your Google Drive Shared with Me/Incoming […]

Each District 21 school is named after an American author, and learning and literacy is at the center of our Professional Learning Community. The Modern Pen provides a collaborative location in which District 21 teachers can come together to learn the skills that will enable their students to learn new skills and to understand concepts at an even different level than before.